Meet our Faculty and Staff
St. Bridget Catholic School Mission Statement
At St. Bridget Catholic School, we attend to our students' spiritual, intellectual, social, emotional and physical needs within a safe and nurturing environment. Our values are Christ-centered with a message to "Love one another as I have loved you," and make a positive difference in the lives of others.
Father Jeffrey V. Romans, KCHS
Pastor/Priest Director
Father Sean P. Yates
Parochial Vicar
Mrs. Angelita J. Kingston
Ms. Sarah Murray
Assistant Principal
School Mascot
Courtney Hansen
Director of Admissions and
PreK-3 and PreK-4
Mrs. Kayla Gonzalez
PreK-3 Teacher
Editor in Chief
Mrs. April Brilvitch
PreK-3 Teacher
Assistant Manager
Mrs. Noel Normand
PreK-4 Teacher
Programming Editor
Ms. Elizabeth Levesh
PreK-4 Teacher
Primary (K-2)
Mrs. Maria Cifarelli
Kindergarten Teacher
Mrs. Lauren Brickett
Kindergarten Teacher
Mrs. Michelle Geoffrey
1st Grade Teacher
Head Teacher
Mrs. Diana Hunter
1st Grade Teacher
Mrs. Riggi
2nd Grade Teacher
Short-Term Sub.
Mrs. Rebecca Raymond
2nd Grade Teacher
Intermediate (3-5)
Mrs. Kristen Galipault
Grade 3 Teacher
Ms. Caitlin Keough
Grade 3 Teacher
Mrs. Maureen Fox
Grade 4 Teacher
Mrs. Patricia Forbes
Grade 5 Teacher
Mrs. Lynn Ushchak
Grade 4 Teacher
Mrs. Susan Ashborn
Grade 5 Teacher
Middle School (6-8)
Mr. Michael Petruzzi
6th Grade
Homeroom Teacher
Mrs. Joanne Zeisner
7th Grade
Homeroom Teacher
Mrs. Alessandra Previti
6th Grade
Homeroom Teacher
Ms. Melissa Seidl
8th Grade
Homeroom Teacher
Mr. George Fosdick
7th Grade
Homeroom Teacher
Mrs. Michelle Carroll
8th Grade
Homeroom Teacher